Meet Our Team

About Our Team

At the core of our dental practice is a friendly team of professionals that are dedicated to your utmost comfort and optimal oral health.  We view each patient as a unique individual, and tailor each treatment to your specific needs.  As part of our commitment to providing close, personalized attention to every patient, we want to encourage patient communication.  Please know that we are here to provide outstanding patient care, and that we value the trust you have placed in us.

As your dental health professionals, we want you to be confident knowing that we are a team of highly trained and skilled clinicians. We pride ourselves in providing the care you need to keep your smile healthy.

We appreciate the time you have taken to visit our website and find out more about our dental practice, our dental team, and the many services we can provide to help you achieve optimum oral health.  We recognize that our patients are unique individuals who have placed a great deal of trust in us.  That is just one of many reasons why we value each and every patient relationship


Noreen, EDDA

Noreen is a Colorado native and has been with the practice for over thirty years.  She is a huge asset to the practice and a spectacular dental assistant.